Sunday, July 7, 2019

Why Should Primary School Have A Maths Club?

     Maths clubs come in all shapes and sizes and there is no one model that works for every school. however, every school should have one.
This is because they help raise the profile of maths within the school, increase the engagement of children in maths and help show that maths is a playful and diverse subject full of surprises.
A maths club can also:
• develop children’s knowledge and understanding of maths  
• strengthen the links between maths and other subjects
• provide children with opportunities to try new things
• help children apply their maths skills to other ‘real-life’ situations
• celebrate the achievement of children
• fuel a can-do approach to maths
• show children that maths is multidimensional
• develop children’s maths thinking
• promote collaborative learning between different year groups
• develop maths resilience
• boost self-confidence  
• cultivate creativity  
• help to raise standards
• increase parental engagement with the subject

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