Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Characteristics and qualities of Mathematics Teacher

Math Teacher Characteristics

  • Sound Knowledge of Mathematics
  • Engaging
  • Good Motivator
  • Constantly Learning
  • Caring


Interest in mathematics: A mathematics teacher should have a full command over subject matter. It is possible when he/she has interest in mathematics.

Knowledge of different teaching methods: With a firm grip over the subject matter, a mathematics teacher should know the teaching methods. He should clearly know the aims and objectives of mathematics

Power of know the difficulties of students: It is very necessary for a mathematics teacher to know where the students are feeling difficulty in solving problems.

Presentation of subject matter: A teacher should present the subject matter skill fully making interaction with the students, introducing well methods and applying various aids.

The good teacher should participate enthusiastically in various school activities such as:

Faculty meetings
Student projects
Mathematics club
Social Events
School publications
Educational Fairs
Educational Quiz etc.,

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